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SGD 3000-6000 per MONTH


吉隆坡, , Singapore

Company Description

MEXC Global成立于 2018 年,是一家采用高性能大宗交易撮合技术的中心化交易所。平台由拥有丰富金融行业和区块链技术经验的专业团队运营。目前,MEXC Global 在全球 170 多个国家拥有约 1000 万用户。这一成就是一个重要的里程碑。我们旨在成为新老投资者的首选平台。

MEXC的业务遍及全球各大洲和司法管辖区,并受到一些最著名的司法管辖区的直接或通过附属公司的监管。MEXC Global 也为来自不同国家的投资者提供本地化语言支持,帮助他们更容易地进行交易。MEXC Global 的交易所是由具有银行技术专业知识的开发人员开发的高性能交易引擎,每秒可完成140万笔交易,具有突破性的效率和性能。用户安全是 MEXC Global 的重中之重,我们的服务器在多个国家独立托管,以确保最佳的数据完整性和安全性。

Job Description


    Chinese Version



    1. MEXC(是全球交易量增长最快的数字资产交易所之一(根据CoinMarketCap排名前10)。
    2. 有竞争力的薪资+奖金。
    3. 职业发展机会。
    4. 公司提供各种福利和支持。


    1. 负责通过在线客服工具接收用户的咨询,并回答用户的关注点;
    2. 及时反馈流程中存在的问题,收集和整理问题;
    3. 具备较强的商业敏感性,在接受培训后能够掌握基本的商业概念。对财务知识和经验有所了解者优先考虑;
    4. 头脑风暴用户体验中的障碍,挖掘用户需求,并促进问题解决和流程优化;
    5. 能够适应轮班工作/长时间夜班工作。


    1. 良好的逻辑思维能力,能够判断用户的真实需求;
    2. 必须熟练掌握中文和英文;
    3. 对客户服务充满热情,负责客户体验,并能够提供全面的问题解决方案;
    4. 根据不同对象有效调整沟通方法和风格;
    5. 具备自我管理能力,在快节奏、不断变化的环境中能够独立工作;

    English Version

    Hello! MEXC is looking for an Malaysian Online Customer Service. If you want to join a young and ambitious team and become part of a global exchange, then you are exactly the person we are looking for!

    Why us?

    1. MEXC ( is one of the world's fastest growing digital asset exchanges by trading volume (Top 10 according to CoinMarketCap)
    2. Competitive salary + bonuses
    3. Career advancement
    4. Various benefits and support from the company

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for receiving inquiries from users through online customer service tools and answering users' concerns;
    2. Timely feedback on the problems existing in the process, collect and sort out problems;
    3. Strong business sensitivity, able to grasp essential business concepts after receiving training. Financial knowledge and experience are preferred;
    4. Brainstorm obstacles in user experience, dig out user needs, and promote problem-solving and process optimization;
    5. Able to adapt to shift work. / Able to adapt to long night shift work.

    Job Requirements:

    1. Good logical thinking ability, able to judge the real needs of users;
    2. Proficiency in Chinese and English is a must;
    3. Enthusiastic about customer service, responsible for customer experience, and able to provide comprehensive problem solutions;
    4. Effectively adjust communication methods and styles according to different objects;
    5. Have self-management skills and be able to work independently in a fast-paced environment that is constantly changing;

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