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SGD 3000-6000 per MONTH


, , Singapore

Company Description


Job Description



    1. 智能合约开发

    2. DEFI项目的开发和设计

    3. 智能合约编码,相关业务接口编码


    1. 计算机或计算机相关专业,本科以上学历

    2. 4年以上开发经验,其中至少1年智能合约开发

    3. 熟悉Solidity语言,了解JavaScript和web3.js, ethers.js库等

    4. 有良好的英文读写、口语表达能力

    5. 学习并熟悉ERC20,ERC721等合约标准,有智能合约开发经验优先

    6. 了解各种数据结构和算法,对密码学,安全协议和加密算法有研究

    8. 了解掌握以太坊的原理、机制,有项目经验者优先

    Main responsibilities:

    ●Design/implement secure and reliable smart contracts in Solidity

    ●Architect, implement, test, and audit protocol upgrades and additions

    ●Research on multiple blockchain protocols

    ●Collaborate in a fast-paced team to develop and iterate on new features


    ●4+ years of development experience and at least 1 year of smart contract developer experience in solidity

    ●Solid experience in delivering resilient and secure code in Solidity

    ●Knowledge and experience of the test-driven development

    ●Very good understanding of the Blockchain technologies, especially Ethereum

    ●Familiar with the common Smart Contract vulnerabilities

    ●Solid understanding about Ethereum infrastructure, e.g. like Gnosis, TheGraph

    ●Good understanding of economics, tokenomics, decentralized financial systems, liquidity pools, fungibility, margin trading, order books, or other relevant subjects

    ●Strong interest or involvement with blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies or decentralized applications

    ●Ability to work independently in a fast very paced work environment

    BS or higher degree in Computer Science preferred

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